Our Governors

the statement of governance:

The governing body at Egerton High School has a full membership, with a wide variety of members. They bring with a them wide range of knowledge, skills and expertise from legal backgrounds to business, finance, and education.

As a result, they provide very effective support and challenge to the headteacher and his staff. Governors are regular visitors to the school. They ask for a demanding level of material from the Headteacher in his reports.

They have a particular focus when they visit and report their findings back to the relevant committee. Each Governor has Link Governor accountabilities and liaises regularly with school to monitor key aspects of the schools’ practices/policies in action. They provide succinct reports for the GB which are then shared at Committees or FGB meetings

Governors are well informed about academic and personal and social outcomes. They also track performance of those supported by PPG funding (see the PPG Governor reports)

Governors regularly track, the activities of the Attendance Officer in her attempts to achieve the best attendance possible, and frequently contribute ideas and support.

School policies are regularly discussed, reviewed and updated with governors according to appropriate timescales.

Governors are well informed about the quality of teaching, learning and assessment.

The Governing Body undertake a skills audit and attend training courses when necessary to ensure that they have, as a whole, the appropriate mix of skills in order to efficiently undertake its functions.